Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Update on Little Baby Hoppers

Finally, I had Trevor scan in the ultrasound pictures from our appointment last month. You can see the baby's profile (hopefully baby will grow into that nose!) and you can see the baby's feet sticking up. In the second picture, it is raising it's hand up.

Little Baby Hoppers is doing good and growing like a weed. My e-mail newsletter that I get says that he or she is now 4 ounces and the size of an apple. In the last week, I have started feeling the little one moving in my belly--I have to be really still and either laying down or sitting. That is such an awesome feeling!
I think it is starting to set in now that we are going to be parents of TWO little blessings come March. Those of you that have been to our house know that we can't fit much more in our tiny 2-bedroom, 1-bath abode. Little Baby Hoppers' imminent arrival has got us thinking that we may need a bigger house for our sanity. So, that has been part of the lack of posts--us trying to catch up on 6 years of "we'll take care of that before we sell our house" kind of chores (painting, fixing woodwork, decluttering, etc.) so that we can give it a try on the market. We don't know what the next few months will bring, but we are trusting that God is going to put us in the house that is best suited for us right now...even if that means staying in our little house and making it work. No matter what, at least we are getting rid of our junk and clutter and fixing our house up a bit.


Kasey said...

that is exciting! I am so happy for you guys! Are you going to find out what it is?

Deziray Click said...

Thanks for sharing the pics! I am praying for you guys, and that the perfect house will come along, and that you get all the repairs done at the current house w/o "killing" each other! : )

Keysha said...

fun! i know it stinks in the process, the results are awesome. good luck, and keep us posted ;)

Unknown said...

I love seeing the ultrasound pics - so amazing! Praying for your pregnancy and the ideal home for your family of 4.

Jeff Johnson said...

A wise man recently told me that graduating from one kid to two is as simple as switching from a zone defense to a man-to-man...;)

Congrats to you guys!