Monday, November 17, 2008

Check Out Our Little Baby Hoppers

As promised, here are a few shots from our last ultrasound at 19 weeks. If you click on them, you can view them larger.

Our sweet baby's profile...I do have to mention that if you look "down there," you will see a little bit of the umbilical cord, not a private part. ;)

What a precious arm! A baseball player perhaps???

Little Baby Hoppers is staring at you!

A shot at the ever-growing "oven" that Little Baby Hoppers is in (with no make-up and messy hair so it is only a belly shot without my head). This is me at 21 weeks pregnant. Only 19 more to go and then we get to meet our baby! :)


Kasey said...

Cute! are you not finding out what it is??

The Christenson's said...

You are so cute--or what I can see of your belly is cute! ;) Baby Hoppers is already precious!!