Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We're Back!

After a CRAZY month, I am back to blogging and sharing the fun updates in the lives of the Hoppers family. Our big news? We've moved! It was a whirlwind three weeks, but we managed to sell our house and move at the very end of December (on the 29th--Trevor's 30th birthday!). So, I am typing this from our new address in Edmond. We miss our little old house, but it is nice to have more space and be in a bit better area. Our new house needed a LOT of work (and still does), but it is starting to feel like home. I will post some before/after pictures of our major renovation soon!

The best news is that we got to see our precious baby last week during an ultrasound and everything checked out perfect--we have a healthy little one cooking in there! The doctor let us watch "real time" in 4D and it was truly amazing to watch as the baby moved its mouth, arms, hands, etc. We are still on "Team Green" and didn't find out the gender (as hard as it was for me to not peek!). In only 12 more weeks, we will get to meet this little surprise miracle and Trevor will get to make his "It's A ......" announcement.
Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound (please excuse the scanning job). There are a couple that look just like Addie when she was born. :)


Deziray Click said...

The pics are awesome!

Kasey said...

those are great pics. I was wondering what happened to you guys! So were are you in edmond? E mail me and let me know. Maybe we will run into each other more often. Or better yet get together.

Keysha said...

awesome pics of the little one. i have no idea how you are holding out on not finding. props to you!
and congrats on the move. i didn't know you guys were planning to move. what part of town are you in. i know it's hard to adjust to all of it. let us know if you need anything. can't wait to see it. :)