Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Tea Party Fit For Another Galaxy

Bless our little girl's heart...she never even stood a chance of NOT liking Star Wars. Trevor has had his nerdy influence over her since the day she was born. I have to say, though, that I kind of like the "quirkiness" of it--she loves her babies and her tea parties, so why not invite her Star Wars figures to the morning tea party too? Needless to say, DaDa was thrilled when I showed him the picture of her playing so politely with these Jedi creatures. He would also have me brag that "she knows each of those characters by name." Pretty unusual for a 2-year-old little girl! ;)

While I am posting some pictures, I have to add this shot of our dainty princess with her potty seat on her head (as she is harassing our poor cat).


Angela & Brad said...

That is TOO funny... and here i thought the "mad hatter" was a strange enough host for a tea party, however, that bug-eyed, green head is just down right creepy ;)

Deziray Click said...

LOVE the potty pic, and the hair doo pic. Tea Party fun!!!