Friday, September 11, 2009

Our Little Man at 5 Months

Liam just hit the 5-month mark and, as you can see, he is a big and healthy boy. :)
He weighs over 19 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches long. Although his current night sleeping leaves a little to be desired right now, he is such a happy and easy-going baby that we can't complain. He is rolling around, trying cereal, laughing and grabbing at everything. His new, cutest "talent" is to stick his tongue out when he is as if he knows how stinkin' cute he looks and he does it on purpose. ;) Here are some recent pictures of our precious little guy...


Deziray Click said...

He is so STINKING CUTE! I could not help but smile when looking at his pics!

Angela & Brad said...

he's such a happy baby! always smiling ;)

tag's team said...

He's getting so big and looks so snuggly cute!